Int. African tourist year
Namibia - South West Africa
Namibia day (4n)
Namibia - South West Africa
Namibia day (9n)
Namibia - South West Africa
Namibia day (15n)
Namibia - South West Africa
Namibia day (25n)
75th anniv of Rotary int. (8n)
75th anniv of Rotary int. (32n)
75th anniv of Rotary int. (42n)
75th anniv of Rotary int. (58n)
Southern African Development Conf.
10th anniv of SADCC (1k20)
10th anniv of SADCC (19k50)
10th anniv of SADCC (20k50)
10th anniv of SADCC (50k)
Deng Xiaoping (1904-1997)
Pan African Postal Union 18th anniv.
11th Conference on AIDS and STDs in Africa (500k)
11th Conference on AIDS and STDs in Africa (900k)
18th Anniversary of Pan African Postal Union
50th anniversary of UNO ovpt (100k on 700k)
100th anniversary of birth of Dag Hammarskjold (1500k)
100th anniversary of birth of Dag Hammarskjold (2700k)
Tazara Railway, 30th anniversary
100th anniversary of birth of Dag Hammarskjold (3,500k on 2700k)
50th anniversary of UNO ovpt (5,000k on 700k)
100th anniversary of birth of Dag Hammarskjold (1.50k on 2700k)
50th anniversary of UNO ovpt (5k on 700k)
David Livingstone birth bicent.
50th Anniversary of the Red Flag Canal