International Year of the Child
5th anniv of southern African development conf.
FIFA World Cup 1986 - Mexico
3rd national population census
500th anniv (1992) of discovery of America
Disney - Int. Literacy Year (1990) - Mickey's Alphabet
1994 World Cup Soccer Championship
East African Treaty (150)
East African Treaty (180)
East African Treaty (200)
1st Anniversary of the Death of Julius Nyerere
1st Anniversary of the Death of Julius Nyerere
1st Anniversary of the Death of Julius Nyerere
1st Anniversary of the Death of Julius Nyerere
1st Anniversary of the Death of Julius Nyerere
The Old Boma, Mikindani, Southern Tanzania
Historical Sites of East Africa
New York City's Famous Sites & Scenes
New York City's Famous Sites & Scenes
50th Anniversary of the TAZARA Railway