Vichy issue. no RF
Vichy issue. no RF
Vichy issue. no RF
Vichy issue. no RF
Vichy issue. no RF
Vichy issue. no RF
Vichy issue. no RF
3rd regional assembly of meteorological associations
Cruiser-racer Whangarei to Noumea
Stamp Day and 30th anniv. the connection Paris-Noumea
30th anniv of participation in WWII
First connecting Noumea to Paris by DC-10
Discovery of the Mainland, Cook
Recognition of the West Coast, La Perouse
Recognition of the West Coast, d'Entrecasteaux
Recognition of the Loyalty Islands, Dumont d'Urville
Thematic philately at Bourail
Telecommunications through solar energy
75th anniv of Rotary int.
50th anniv of New Caledonia scout movement
World communications year
Ausipex '84. Philatelic Exhibition in Melbourne
Ausipex '84. Philatelic Exhibition in Melbourne
30th anniv internal air services (80fr)
"Jules Garnier" secondary school
Inaug. Flight of "ATR 42"
Int'l Assoc. of Amateur Radio Operators 25th anniv.
Rotary int. and anti Polio campaign
50th anniv of De Gaulle's call to resist
Map - La francophonie 320f
Cent. Vietnamese immigrants
Louise Michel (1830-1905)
The French Institute of Scientific Research
150th Anniv. Of The Arrival Of Sandalwood
South Pacific geographical days
surveillance frigate "Nivose"
Year of Tourism in the South Pacific
50th anniv. the end of the 2nd World War in Europe
50th anniv. the first deputy to the National Assembly Caledo
Centenary of the presence of Indonesians
50th Anniversary of the First Commercial Air Service
50th Anniversary of the First Commercial Air Service
Corvette Alcmène, 1848-1851
Railways in New Caledonia
Athens Olympic Games 2004
Athens Olympic Games 2004
Athens Olympic Games 2004
10 years of the Museum of Maritime History
Great Northern Lagoon - World Heritage Site
Pacific Games NC2011: Pacific Attitude
Ouvea and Beautemps-Beaupré Lagoon Area
One Tree, One Day, One Life
The Coral Sea Natural Park
Roger Gervolin - First Caledonian Deputy in France
Centenary of Lions Club International
Architectural Heritage : Southern Province
Architectural Heritage of New Caledonia : Northern Region
70th Anniversary of the South Pacific Forum Headquarters
Architectural Heritage : Loyalty Islands
Le Coeur de Pouembout Solar Power Plant