Map ovpt. "Republic of Nauru" ($1)
175th anniv of 1st contact with outside world
Discovery of phosphate deposits
30th anniv of return of islanders from Truk (10c)
30th anniv of return of islanders from Truk (14c)
30th anniv of return of islanders from Truk (25c)
10th anniv phosphate corp.
De-colonization Declaration by the U.N.
Map on label
De-colonization Declaration by the U.N.
Map on label
De-colonization Declaration by the U.N.
Map on label
10th anniv of South Pacific forum (10c)
10th anniv of South Pacific forum (20c)
10th anniv of South Pacific forum (30c)
10th anniv of South Pacific forum (40c)
Opening of the ocean thermal power plant
Opening of the ocean thermal power plant
75th anniv of Phosphate shipments
80th anniv of Nauru post office
50th Anniversary of the Return of Refugees from Truk
Summer Olympic Games 2000 - Sydney
Summer Olympic Games 2000 - Sydney
Summer Olympic Games 2000 - Sydney
Summer Olympic Games 2000 - Sydney
50th Anniversary of Independence