International Eucharistic Conference
Churchill commemoration (2d)
Churchill commemoration (1s)
400th anniv death ov Valette
Maltese migrant's convention
World telecommunications day (1c)
World telecommunications day (6c)
World telecommunications day (8c)
World telecommunications day (17c)
U.S.A - U.S.S.R summit meeting
Map on cancel
U.S.A - U.S.S.R summit meeting
25th Anniversary of Malta International Rally
Nat'l Youth Council 10th anniv.
Lord Byron and map of Valetta
Accession to European Union
Adoption of the Euro currency
Sovereign Military Order of Malta
Map on tab
75th Anniversary of Allied Invasion of Sicily
Map on cancel
The Map Plotters of World War II Malta
Europa (C.E.P.T.) 2020 - Ancient Postal Routes
2023 Games of the Small States of Europe