14th Olympic Games - London
Map and magpies surch. (300w on 65w)
50th anniv of Korean Y.M.C.A
10th anniv of admisson into ITU
Opening of freedom house (7w)
Opening of freedom house (39w)
Economic Development Five-Year Plan
East & Southeast Asia Lions Convention
15th anniv of admission to ITU
Visit of president of West Germany
Visit of emperor of Ethiopia
Asian-Pasific Chambers of Commerce and Industry - 2nd conf.
Sam-il Movement, 50th Anniv.
South-North Korean red-cross conference
"Trees for unity" campaign
Inaug. Of Soyang river dam
International Christian Congress EXPLO´74
Visit of president Ford of U.S.A
Homeland reserve forces day
30th Anniversary Of Liberation
Bicent. Of American revolution
55th int. Y's men's club convention
Visit of sultan of Malaysia
World Communications Year
Visit of president to Australia
Withdrawn after one day due to political assassination.
Visit of president of Sri Lanka
Philakorea 84 stamp exhibition
Visit of Pres. Of Costa Rica
Completion of automatic telephone network
1st anniv of signing of Antarctic treaty
1st anniv of national use of telepress
Cheju-Kohung Fiber Optic Submarine cable
Admission of S. Korea to UNO
China-Korea Submarine Cable
Map as jigsaw on water - Inter-Korea Summit
The Inauguration of the 16th President - Roh Moo-hyun
100th Anniversary of the Korean Meteorological Service
Inauguration of Pres. Lee Myung-Bak
60th Anniv. of the Founding of the Republic of Korea
Seoul Waterworks Centennial
Map of Seoul
Jeju Volcanic Island and Lava Tubes
Joseon Dragon & Cloud Porcelain Jar
Cat and Crysanthemums in Autumn, by Byeon Sang-Byeok
GEO-KOMPSAT Cheollian Satellites