1st Caribbean scout jamboree (2d)
1st Caribbean scout jamboree (6d)
Inaug. Of British Caribbean federation (2d)
Inaug. Of British Caribbean federation (5d)
Inaug. Of British Caribbean federation (6d)
Girl Guides golden jubilee
Map ovpt. "Royal visit March 1966"
Map ovpt. "C-day" surch. (1c on 1d)
Map ovpt. "C-day" surch. (2c on 2d)
Map ovpt. "C-day" surch. (3c on 3d)
Map ovpt. "C-day" surch. (50c on 5S)
Cent. Of telegraph service
Cent. Of introduction of the small Indian mongoose
6th Caribbean Jamboree (10c)
6th Caribbean Jamboree (20c)
6th Caribbean Jamboree (25c)
6th Caribbean Jamboree (50c)
Death Centenary of Sir Rowland Hill
Christmas 1980 - Churches of Kingston
Churches of Jamaica - Christmas 1981
Ameripex 86 International Stamp Exhibition, Chicago
500th Anniv. of Discovery of America
75th anniv of Guiding in Jamaica
Discovery of America, 500th Anniv.
11th world meteorological congress (50c)
11th world meteorological congress ($10)
250th anniv of Freemasonry ($25)
250th anniv of Freemasonry (50c)
250th anniv of Freemasonry ($1.10)
250th anniv of Freemasonry ($1.40)
50th Anniv. Of Caribbean Integration Movement
Bird festival (block of 10)
Centenary of Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music
Centenary of Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music