Revenue - Minas Gerais - 2c
Revenue - Minas Gerais - 5c
Sao Paulo needs help to get three billion trees
Cent. Of law courses (200r)
Tax stamp - Santa Catarina - 10c Pink
Tax stamp - Santa Catarina - 10c Purple
Tax stamp - Santa Catarina - 1c
Tax stamp - Santa Catarina - 2c
400th anniv of colonization of Sao Vicente
Sao Paulo revolutionary gov. (100r)
Sao Paulo revolutionary gov. (500r)
Revenue - Estado de Para - 0.5c
Revenue - Estado de Para - 200r
Visit of cardinal Pacelli (300r)
Visit of cardinal Pacelli (700r)
9th national geographical congress
8th national education congress
400th anniv of discovery of river Amazon
Visit of Bolivian president
Birth cent. Of Baron de Rio Branco
Victory of allied nations in Europe
50th anniv of Bahia inst. Of geography and history
Visit of Chilean president
Homage to Brazilian force
6th Brazilian census (60c)
6th Brazilian census (1cr20)
29th anniv 1st flight from NY to Rio
2nd American cong. Of industrial medicine
100th birthday of Aarao Reis, Engineer
5th national congress of journalists
50th Anniversary of Treaty of Petropolis
50th Anniversary of Treaty of Petropolis
25th anniv of national air mail
50th anniv of arrival of Marist bros. In N. Brazil
Egypt - Suez Canal
U.N day
Brazil's Participation in the UN Emergency Army in the Suez Canal Conflict
7th inter American municipalities cong.
Cent. Of opening of railway
Inaug. Of hydro electric station
50th anniv of Sacre-Coeur de Marie college
Population of Guandara constitution
Visit of foreign minister to Senegal
"Goat's eyes" stamp cent. (10cr)
"Goat's eyes" stamp cent. (20cr)
50th Anniversary of Postal Union of the Americas and Spain
8th int. leprology congress
Birth cent. Of Marshal C.M la S. Rondon
1st National Exhibition of the Tobacco Industry
Visit of Chilean president
Telex service for 25th city
9th FIFA's World cup - Mexico
25th anniv of WWII victory
Trans-Amazon highway project
Inaug. Of "Bracan 1" underwater cable
Inauguration Parana River Dam
Economic resources (1cr40)
Economic resources (4cr50)
Cent. Of directory of hydrographie and navigation
50th anniv of Brazilian broad Masonic lodge
50th anniv of S. Atlantic flight
50th anniv nationalization of railroad
Espirito Santo state flag
Map on cancel
1st Brazilian Antarctic expedition
Birth Centenary of Marshal Mascarenhas de Moraes
50 years of regular flights Brazil - Germany
20 Years ECT Special Mail Services
14th FIFA World Football Championship
Tocantins state flag
Map on cancel
Cent. Of army geographic service
18th Pan-American railways congress
Deddo de Deus mountain, Rio De Janeiro
50th anniv of aeronautics ministry
President Collor visit to Antartic Research Station
Serra de Capivara national park (pair)
Cent. of expedition of Luis Cruis
Conf. On environment and development
UNCED Conference for Environment and Development
3rd Iberian American summit conference
300 years death Zumbi dos Palmares
Irineu Bornhausen birth cent.
Brazilian Antarctic program
Cent. Of Marista presence in Brazil
Flora and Fauna of Amazon
International Stamp Exhibition AUSTRALIA '99
National Parks
Scented stamps with smell of burnt wood
500th anniv of discovery of Brazil
National school book program
500th anniv discovery of Brazil
2nd anniv Brazil trade net website
National coastal management
Amyr Klink sailing feats (pair)
150th anniv Juiz de For a
Cent. settlement of Brazil-French Guyana border dispute
Solidarity community programs (pair)
National day of black conciousness
1st synagogue in the Americas
Protected area for whales
80th anniv social security
Meeting of the Waters of the Negro and Solimoes Rivers
Independence of East Timor (1.45 R$)
Philatelic Exhibition Brapex 2015
Philatelic Exhibition Brapex 2015
Sao Francisco river basin
International Polar Years
200th Anniversary of the Birth ofTeófilo Ottoni
200 anniv foreign trade ports & bank of Brazil
Japanese immigration - origami
Federal Network of Professional Technical Education, Cent.
Centenary of Sport Club Corinthians Paulista
Centenary of Sport Club Corinthians Paulista
Centenary of Sport Club Corinthians Paulista
Tancredo de Almeida Neves, birth Cent.
FIFA World Cup - South Africa
150th Anniversary of the Caixa Econômica Federal
150th Anniversary of the Caixa Econômica Federal
350th anniv. Of Brazilian postal service
Diplomatic Relations with Kenya
Diplomatic Relations with Kenya
Diplomatic Relations -Brazil-Romania
Eva by Victor Brecheret
Diplomatic Relations -Brazil-Romania
Eva by Gheorghe Leonida
150th of the birth of Marchal Candido Mariano da Silva Rondon
200 years of French Artistic Mission - Joachim Lebreton
Diplomatic Relations with Ireland, Centenary : Ulysses
Promotion of Vaccination in Brazil
National Day of Traditional African and Candomblé Roots
Tribute to the Real Currency